Source code for cap2.pipeline.short_read.mash

import luigi
import subprocess
from os.path import join, dirname, basename

from ..utils.cap_task import CapTask
from ..constants import MASH_SKETCH_SIZE
from ..config import PipelineConfig
from ..utils.conda import CondaPackage
from ..preprocessing.clean_reads import CleanReads

[docs]class Mash(CapTask): module_description = """ This module provides small sketches of samples. Motivation: MASH sketches provide an efficient way to compute the distance between microbiome samples. Since MASH sketches are not based on any database they aren't biased towards certain sample types. Negatives: Small MASH sketch sizes can obscure differences between samples. As such this module produces two different sketch sizes. """ MODULE_VERSION = 'v0.2.0' def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.pkg = CondaPackage( package="mash==2.2.2", executable="mash", channel="bioconda", config_filename=self.config_filename, ) self.config = PipelineConfig(self.config_filename) self.out_dir = self.config.out_dir self.reads = CleanReads.from_cap_task(self) def tool_version(self): return self.run_cmd(f'{self.pkg.bin} --version').stderr.decode('utf-8') @classmethod def _module_name(cls): return 'mash' def requires(self): return self.pkg, self.reads @classmethod def dependencies(cls): return ['mash==2.2.2', CleanReads] def output(self): return { '10M_mash_sketch': self.get_target('10M_sketch', 'msh'), '10K_mash_sketch': self.get_target('10K_sketch', 'msh'), } def _cmd(self, mash_sketch_size, out_key): cmd = ( f'{self.pkg.bin} ' f'sketch -s {mash_sketch_size} ' f'-o {self.output()[out_key].path[:-4]} ' f'{self.reads.output()["clean_reads_1"].path}' ) return cmd def _run(self): self.run_cmd(self._cmd(10 * 1000, '10K_mash_sketch')) self.run_cmd(self._cmd(10 * 1000 * 1000, '10M_mash_sketch'))