Source code for cap2.api

import luigi

from .pipeline.databases import MODULES as DB_MODULES

from .constants import (

[docs]def run_db_stage(config_path='', cores=1, **kwargs): """Run the database stage of the pipeline.""" instances = [] for module in DB_MODULES: instances.append( module( config_filename=config_path, cores=cores ) ), local_scheduler=True, **kwargs)
[docs]def run_stage(samples, stage_name, config_path='', cores=1, workers=1, **kwargs): """Run a subpipeline on a list of samples. stage_name can be one of `qc`, `pre`, `reads`.""" modules = STAGES[stage_name] group_modules = STAGES_GROUP.get(stage_name, []) run_modules( samples, modules, group_modules=group_modules, config_path=config_path, cores=cores, workers=workers, **kwargs )
[docs]def run_modules(samples, modules, group_modules=[], config_path='', cores=1, workers=1, **kwargs): """Run a set of modules for a list of samples.""" instances = [] for sample in samples: for module in modules: instance = module.from_sample(sample, config_path, cores=cores) instances.append(instance) for grp_module in group_modules: instances.append(grp_module.from_samples('all', samples, config_path)), local_scheduler=True, workers=workers, **kwargs)